Tuesday, February 2, 2016

This I Believe: Embrace This Life

"This I Believe is an international organization engaging people in writing and sharing essays describing the core values that guide their daily lives."  For more information about this you can visit the website here: This I Believe.

I had an English assignment to write a statement like these about one of my passionate beliefs. Here is my essay about one thing I believe is important in this life. (Please note that the named characters in this story are real people but the names used are not real, so if you find that your name is used, no worries its not you. I just like your name.)

Embrace This Life
            A few years ago I was contemplating going to a surprise birthday party. It was that event that taught me how I wanted to live this life. It was for a childhood friend, Anne, whom I have known since birth. However, I had not been close with her for a few years. I debated, prayed, wrote a list of pros and cons, made a choice but doubtfully retracted it and went back to wrestling with the decision. It was honestly stressful. I did not want to feel like the outsider at the party or have it permanently stain my mind as the most awkward, drawn out four hours of my life. I used my basketball game the following day as excuse to not be able to go.
Despite reasons I created not to attend the party, somehow I found myself knocking at Anne’s doorstep, reluctant but ready for whatever I was about to get myself into.
I hadn’t seen these girls in a while and the first couple minutes at the party were already awkward. They were chatting about stuff I didn’t know or really care much about. Alexa, a confident girl, mentioned her enrolment in college courses. And Bethany blabbered on and on about the last party she and the rest of the girls went to. She explained and repeated herself in too much detail how much fun they had. The girls were not adamantly ignoring me, but not participating threw my presence into the background. They were so comfortable around each other and acted like a family sharing life together. I became nervous. My mind began to overflow with frightening thoughts about my predictions for this night. What if I just sit here the whole night in awkward silence trying to listen? How did I get stuck here?

Embrace this life with a new perspective
But then I stopped in the middle of my prayer for a rescuer. I realized how I did not need to be “saved” from this situation. I needed to throw those nasty speculations away. Once I did, I decided to clothe myself with a different attitude. My mind kept telling me that I was “stuck” here. But then I realized that I might as well just try to enjoy myself since I am kind of going to be here for a while. Changing my perspective and attitude was easier said than done. It took effort. But, I began to think of ways I could engage in the conversation, instead of how I could change it to my topic preferences.
By the end of the night I felt at home, I felt comfortable and I did not want to leave. Memories still flood my mind and heart with the joy I experienced that night. I embraced the hugs. I sang louder. I listened better. I laughed harder. I reconnected with old friends by strengthening relationships and made the selfless decision to be a supportive friend. Since that evening, I have chosen to believe in embracing life.
            Looking back I discovered that that night brought forth the two decisions that I face often in life. I could either look at an opportunity with openness and a positive perspective, or I could shut out the possibility of learning new things or risk the potential of being in awkward situations. Another birthday party like that one will never come. If I had not gone I would always have regret hidden somewhere deep in my heart. I would always wonder “what if”. What could have happened if I went there or did that or tried that?
I do not want to go through life wondering what I COULD have done. I want to go through life looking for ways to enjoy and ultimately glorify God with my actions through the way I live out my life. I want to overcome whatever fears or dilemmas are holding me back. I want to break free of their grasp and spring forward in confidence.  
Now, I choose new experiences. I choose to go through the open doors standing in front of me. I believe opportunities are constantly staring me deeply in the eye. I know life will be hard with truly sticky situations and confusing positions to be in, but it is also a matter of perspective. Just because a situation may not immediately appeal to me or grab my attention, I still need to consider it and have an open mind towards its possibilities.
Those few hours at the party ultimately taught me how I want to live my life. I was shown a new world of uncertainty. But with uncertainty comes adventure. This world is brimming with possibilities and countless opportunities. It has opened my eyes to the everyday struggles I have; but it has shown me how to overcome those obstacles and rise above them. I believe in embracing every moment of this precious life. I believe in more than mere existing. I believe in living.

What is your core belief? What is one thing that you have a passion for? One thing that you told hear to your heart? Please comment below, I would love to hear what you believe! :)

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