Sunday, February 14, 2016

My Valentine

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Before Hallmark. Before red roses. Before chocolate. Before X’s and O’s. Before hearts. Before singing telegrams. Before mushy texts and cards. Before the teddy bears and fancy dinners. Before this holiday became three words with eight letters. Before Valentine’s Day and before asking someone to “be my Valentine” there was this one word that still existed: LOVE.

This word was not simply thrown all over the place one day a year like it is now. This word was powerful. This word was meaningful. No matter what the circumstances this word has always involved one person throughout history—Jesus Christ. God. GOD IS LOVE. He is the embodiment of love.

Christ gives love. He gives love freely to whoever wants to accept His free gift of love and whoever wants to indulge in reading His ultimate love letter. This letter is His Holy Word and it is not just for one special person but to the whole wide world. No one is left out, no one is forgotten and no one is shunned or pushed away.

Everyone is invited to be a part of God’s family full of love when we embrace and believe in this love. This love of God was so great that He took His ONLY Son from the realm of glory and sent Him to a broken, sinful, hateful world to pay the ultimate price of sin to bring back love into the world. That was the incomparable display and picture of the essence of love.

This love from Christ is what I am celebrating this Valentine’s Day. His all-flowing, un-ending, constant, deep, personal, unconditional, sacrificial, complete and FREE gift of love.

It is amazing how many people will “love” someone or choose to “love” someone today, and next week or next year or years from now that person may not be there for them to love anymore. I hope that does not happen to you but if it does there is someone else that will never leave you like that friend, boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse might. His love will go with you through every dark valley and will last for an eternity. Christ love is boundless.

Today I am remembering His amazing love. I am thankful that no matter who loves or does not love me I will always have someone whose love is so fathomless towards me (and you) that I cannot completely comprehend and understand it fully. I believe in love. I do not believe that love is mushy or feely. Love is deep. Love is vast. True love is measureless. True love is from God. True love is God.
<3 Have a beautiful Valentine's Day <3

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