Wednesday, January 20, 2016

--> CHANG3 <--

It is a goal. An idea. A dream. A desire. It is something most people want. “Want” being the key word. CHANGE is what people desire in their lives. No one is perfect and therefore they want to become a better person and more like Christ. Only dilemma it is not as easy as saying the words “I want to change xyz in my life. Right now!” And suddenly all your problems are solved! It is a bit more complicated.

Here are three things I have discovered about change.
1. You can only change yourself
There are many times in life that I would love to change the people around me. Unfortunately that is not the way life works. You are never responsible for other people actions or helping them change. You can only change YOURSELF and your reaction to others. You will not be able to change them but you can impact them by changing yourself, your attitude and by showing them love and compassion.
2. You cannot change everything
You cannot walk up one morning and make a decision to take a 180 in your life and expect everything to be different and wonderfully changed for good. You may make that decision and that is great but you have to start out small. Choose one maybe two things in your life that need to be changed the most and focus making yourself more like Christ in those areas.
You have to take it one day at a time. One area of your life at a time. Goals are great but you are not God and you cannot do miracles being becoming a whole new person overnight. It is a process.
3. Change will be a journey. Stay encouraged.
Keep your VISION
The first time ever one of my brothers learned to ice skate he was immediately skating backwards and he looked like a pro. I on the other hand have gone twice and I still look like an idiot. Just as learning to ice skate takes time for some people, so does change. Do not base your success or lack of it on how other people achieve the same thing. You are not them and you both have different strengths and weaknesses.

Change really is a journey of itself. Some days are great and others are incredibly difficult. You think you’ve finally come around the bend then bam you are right back in square one. But that is okay. Life is the long journey with many ups and downs and in-betweens.

Along the way you must never change your vision. You can never give up. You must fight for change. Fight for your goals. They will not come easily. The road will be bumpy. You may have to reroute, restart and try different ways.
However, stay encouraged during these times of trials ( see James 1:2-3) and keep faith knowing that you are growing. Stay patient. Being a Christian is not supposed to be easy. But it will be rewarding. Stay strong.

Hebrews 12: 1;3, "Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, (2) fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. (3) For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart." (NASAB)
No matter what obstacles comes your way God knows about it. This might take you by surprise and it might take your dream of changing a bit farther away for now but never lose heart.
Luke 1: 37, "For nothing will be impossible with GOD." (NASAB)

Endure the process of change with grace and ease knowing that with the strength of the Lord CHANGE IS POSSIBLE.

Now! Go out there and attack whatever area of life you want to conquer, succeed and change for good!

Blessings to you all on your life changing adventures!


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