Wednesday, October 28, 2015

A Nebraskan Adventure

Because Life is worth jumping for
I have decided to go a little out of the norm and write about Fall because it is one of my favorite times of year!!!

Adventures are the best part of life. They are the event and things that help form us into the people we are today. They make us stronger. They can be trials, times of uncertainty or times of joy. Good and bad things. Happy or sad. But let’s be real, without any adventure, life is just an existence, it’s not actually a life being lived to its fullest potential.

Since I live in Nebraska and do not have all the money in the world to travel wherever I want, Nebraskan adventures are the Best option right now.

And fall is the PERFECT time to go exploring. My favorite aspects about fall adventures in Nebraska are (btw the following pictures were taken by me and are all, of course, in our beautiful state of Nebraska:)
Nebraska Sunrises are BEAUTIFUL
1.)    The air is crisp. Probably my FAVORITE part. No bugs. Just you and the refreshing sun during the day and freezing, freezing weather at night (and yes I am speaking from experience of sleeping in a tent when it was 39o F with only a sleeping bag). One of my favorite things to do is just pause outside and deeply breathe in the glorious air, it is so reviving. Also, this makes hiking and being outside so much more enjoyable than all the hot and sweaty summer months.
The train. The trees changing colors. The river.

2.)    All the different colors are plainly breathtaking. Every stunning shade of red, orange, and yellow are differently and uniquely shaped and shaded. Although the grass is turning brownish and the plants are fading, beauty I still everywhere.

^ This is Nebraska ^
3.)    The noises of autumn. The everlasting crunching sound of leaves under your feet wherever you walk. Birds sailing south forming V's as they go. The wind creating its peaceful wistfulness.

4.)    The unwavering smell of any and everything pumpkin spice. Cookies, cakes, pies, and drinks. You only get to have pumpkin things once a year, might as well take complete advantage of it. The sweet, homey aroma of coffee drinks and apples. Something apple or something pumpkin is all you need for fall.

5.)    Clothing. Yes I love fashion and fall is the Best time of year for fashion! It so fun and versatile. Scarves. Vests. Sweaters. Flannels. Boots. And everything together at once, just to keep warm... actually don’t do that, you’ll look like a clown. But they are practical items that can be outdoorsy and keep you warm and comfy while exploring.

Whether you live in Nebraska or not, take advantage of this time of year! It is so perfect for traveling through God’s lovely world full of surprises.

And yes we all love Colorado! Like a ton. :)
Dig deeper. Go a little farther that a mere 2 second encounter with nature on a walk to and from your car. This does not mean you have to go hundreds of miles away to the ocean or way up in the mountains to find beauty (as much as we would like to sometimes go to… say… Colorado, one of my personal favorite places ever, for a week and hike in the endless majesty of the mountains, we need to be embracing where God has put us and what He has placed in front of us—that would be good old Nebraska). 

Be Still
Dig your head out of the books for a few moments and go out into your surroundings. It’s in front of you.  Beside you. Below you. Out your window. At your door step. And encompassing you outside. Waiting, just waiting to be discovered, recognized, and embraced. Take a moment to recognize the simply beautiful world God has created for you to dwell in.

Feet on their way somewhere
Psalms 46:10a, "Be still and know that I am God." (NIV) 

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