Therefore, in the next few posts I want to dig a little bit deeper into what I snapshotted into the post, They Only Come Once. If you did not have a chance to read that post yet, please do before diving into this one.
These next few weeks I will (tentatively) be writing more in depth
explanations about the following topics below:
- Embracing each moment you are in
- How to Embrace life
- Do not worry about tomorrow or the future
- What does investing really look like and how to I live intentionally?
- The power of words
So here it goes. . .
Don’t Wait. The Clock is Ticking.
Time… time, time, time. What is the first thing that pops into your head when you think of the word time? Something that is restricting. Something that gives you deadlines. Something to squander. Or a gift. Something precious. Something that is given to you each and every day should you choose to embrace it.
God has left us precious time on this earth as His people.
Part of our duty is to be good stewards of that time. ↓↓↓
Many of us end up walking through life wanting time to go by so
we can get to the place in life (in our opinion) that is the most exciting. We
are waiting for that concert to come. Waiting until we can drive. Waiting until
we can have that one pair of jeans, that one shirt or pair of shoes that will supposedly make our life perfectly happy again. Waiting for responsibility. Waiting
until we can move out of the house or apartment we are in and to a new
location. Waiting until our kids are out of the potty-training stage. Waiting,
waiting, waiting. Never wait. Never waste time.
When we look back on those moment that we just waited, we
will see them as selfish and meaningless minutes, days, or months. We wasted
that time. We did nothing useful during that time besides want something that
we could not have and did not have. And to make matters worse, sometimes the things that we were
waiting for did not fulfill our expectations and we are often disappointed.
If we want to go through life living it to the fullest, we
need to LIVE IN THE MOMENT. Not in the future and definitely not in the past. ///
Side note— we all regret things we have done in the past, whether it be one
small action or a whole previous lifestyle. Well, that was yesterday, that was
the past. It’s gone. It happened. It’s not happening; therefore, do not dwell in
it. Forgive and forget.
Hebrews 8:12, “For I will forgive their wickedness and will
remember their sins no more." (NIV)
God has forgiven you, do likewise./// Move on to the
present. Wake up each morning with an attitude of joy, thankfulness and excitement.
You have been given another glorious day to live. Another day to walk through
and treasure each moment as it comes. They may not all be perfect but that’s
life for ya.
The best you can do is simply GIVE LIFE YOUR ALL. Let every
breath you take be filled with passion. Christ wants you to put your whole heart
into whatever task, person, or idea He has placed in your way.
1 Corinthians 10:31, “So whether you eat or drink or
whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” (NIV)
Embracing the moment involves passion not apathy. Its Christ
living and dwelling inside of you and filling you up with Himself so that you
can bring Him glory in whatever you are doing.
Stop waiting. Stop wasting this precious gift that is
ultimately slipping away from you. Devote yourself to the present. Even in a situation
that you might be feeling a little downcast by, do not let it get the best of
you. Make the most of every situation God has placed you in because it is a
treasure that if it is not uncovered soon, it may never be.
"Be a moment embracer
not a time waster." (Btw, I very terribly and non-artistically drew this)
P.S. PLEASE share your thought and comments about this post in the comments section below. I would love to hear what you think about it!!!